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2024-07-15 06:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

On a gray and rainy Saturday, buses arrive continually at a base station of Japan's Mount Fuji. The buses release foreign visitors in front of stores and restaurants.在一个阴雨蒙蒙的星期六,巴士源源不断地到达日本富士山的一个基站,乘坐巴士的外国游客在商店和餐馆门口下车。The area looks similar to a theme park. It is not what most Japanese would expect below the 3,776-meter mountain. Mt Fuji is considered an important religious area. And Japanese honor the mountain for its perfectly balanced form.这个地区看起来像一个主题公园。在3776米高的富士山脚下,这不是大多数日本人所期望的看到的。富士山被认为是一个重要的具有宗教意义的地区。日本人因其完美对称的外形而尊崇这座山。"Hey, no smoking here!" a store worker told a man wearing shorts and holding a can of beer. He was standing in front of the red "torii" gate which marks the entrance to the Shinto religious center ahead.“嘿,这里不准吸烟!”一名店员对一名穿着短裤、拿着一罐啤酒的男子说。他站在红色的“鸟居”门前,这是通往前方神道教中心的入口。Mt Fuji sits between the Yamanashi and Shizuoka areas in eastern Japan. It has always been popular with local and foreign visitors.富士山位于日本东部的山梨县和静冈县之间,它一直受到当地和外国游客的欢迎。But a recent increase in visitors to Japan has led to high levels of pollution and other difficulties, officials say. They add they may be forced to take extreme measures. They may restrict the number of visitors by limiting the only way to visit the mountain by a yet-to-be-built public transportation system.但官员们表示,最近赴日游客的增加导致了严重的污染,并增添了其它困难。他们补充说,可能会被迫采取极端措施,可能会限制游客的数量,限制富士山游客的唯一途径是尚未建成的公共交通系统。"Fuji faces a real crisis," Masatake Izumi, a Yamanashi area official, told reporters recently. It was the last weekend before the paths closed for the year.山梨县官员泉正竹最近告诉记者:“富士山面临着真正的危机。”这是今年封路前的最后一个周末。"It's uncontrollable and we fear that Mt Fuji will soon become so unattractive, nobody would want to climb it," he said.他说:“这是无法控制的,我们担心富士山很快就会变得毫无吸引力,没有人想去爬它。”Mt Fuji was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage area 10 years ago, further increasing its popularity. World Heritage areas are places that the UN protects for having great value to humanity.10年前,富士山被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产,进一步增加了它的知名度。世界遗产地区是联合国保护的对人类具有重大价值的地方。But the listing came with conditions that Japan reduce the number of visitors, environmental harm from visitors, and fix man-made areas designed for visitors.但列入名单的条件是,日本要减少游客数量,减少游客对环境的危害,并修复为游客设计的人造区域。However, the number of visitors has increased. "Subaru," the fifth and largest base station, had about 4 million visitors this summer. That is a 50 percent increase from 2013.然而,游客的数量有所增加。“斯巴鲁”是第五个也是最大的基站,今年夏天接待了大约400万游客。这比2013年增加了50%。Despite the hard work of cleaners, businesses, and volunteers, social media is filled with posts about dirty bathrooms and waste along the climbing path.尽管清洁工、企业和志愿者都很努力,但社交媒体上依然充斥着登山路上肮脏的卫生间和垃圾的帖子。Izumi worries that the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), which advises the World Heritage Committee, could come looking for an update.和泉担心,为世界遗产委员会提供建议的国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)可能会来进行更新。"Bullet climbing" is where climbers try to climb Japan's tallest mountain for sunrise and go down the mountain on the same day. Officials say that it is a growing problem as well.“子弹攀爬”是指在日出时爬上这座日本最高的山峰,并在同一天下山。官员们表示,这也是一个日益严重的问题。Rescue requests totaled 61 this year, up 50 percent from last year. Non-Japanese visitors make up about 25 percent, Shizuoka area police found. An official said most were poorly equipped, suffering from cold temperatures or the height of the mountain. Yamanashi police did not have similar data.今年共有61件救助申请,比去年增加了50%。静冈县警方发现,外籍游客约占25%。一名官员表示,大多数人的装备都很差,忍受着气温过低或海拔过高。山梨县警方没有类似的数据。One local visitor said restrictions will have to come.一名当地游客表示,限制措施将不得不出台。"Any Japanese person would want to climb Mt Fuji at least once in their life," said 62-year-old Jun Shibazaki, who arrived to visit. "But it's so crowded. Limited entry might be something we have to live with."前来参观的62岁的柴崎君说:“任何一个日本人一生中都会想至少爬一次富士山。但是太拥挤了。限流措施可能是我们不得不接受的。”I'm Gregory Stachel.




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